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Do You Know Diabetes Diet On Festival

Festival come with fun and enjoyment and we all deserve to have certain foods. But a healthy diet is important for controlling diabetes. Therefore, if you have the condition related to diabetes then you can always consider having healthy versions of Christmas dishes and adapting recipes which are more balanced, lower in fat and include plenty of fruit and vegetables. Of course, you may have planned a party for that it’s also a good idea to keep healthy snacks such as dried fruit and vegetable crudites around so that you’ve got an alternative. Festive glucose glitch During the festive period at some point, you may find that you have higher blood glucose levels than normal due to being less active than usual, changing your routine or overindulging. Don’t panic about one or two high levels as this will not affect your long-term diabetes control, but aim to avoid constant high readings in order to avoid compromising your health. Get Active Making sensible diets and keeping

The secret of Summer Healthy Tips

Finally, Summer has arrived! Many of us tempted for yummy ice cream and most of the time we over do the tan and forget the summertime diet and exercise. Fortunately, The good news is, put together its top tips for a healthy summertime.  During summer drink plenty of water and eat fruits which will help your body to keep hydrated and revitalize. The fruits you consume need to be fresh and free from the microorganism.  Watermelon Eating watermelon can help your heart health. The research found drinking 6 (8 ounces) cups of watermelon juice daily for 3 weeks could increase the level of blood flow. Watermelon contain citrulline - a nutrient for body to convert arginine  Mangoes  You can have some frozen mango smoothie. Mango's vitamins A and C can add a healthy dose of beta-carotene, which may help to prevent cancer risk and maintain healthy skin. Serving size: 1cup, sliced (165 g), 107 calories, 3 g fiber, 1 g protein, 28 g carbs, 76% vitamin C, 25% vitamin A, 11%