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Showing posts with the label turkish chicken recipe

Authentic Turkish Chicken Kebab | Tavuk Siş | Authentic turkish chicken kebab ingredients | Turkish Chicken Recipes with Yogurt

Authentic Turkish Chicken Kebab, known as "Tavuk Şiş," is a delectable dish that encapsulates the rich flavors and culinary heritage of Turkish cuisine. This grilled delicacy is a testament to the art of marination, combining tender chunks of chicken with a tantalizing blend of traditional Turkish spices and herbs. The essence of Tavuk Şiş lies in its simplicity and the quality of ingredients. Boneless chicken pieces, often from the breast or thighs, are marinated in a harmonious mixture of yogurt, olive oil, garlic, paprika, cumin, sumac, oregano, and sometimes lemon juice. This marinade infuses the chicken with a delightful medley of savory, tangy, and aromatic flavors, resulting in tender and succulent kebabs. Traditionally, the marinated chicken is skewered onto metal or wooden skewers and grilled over charcoal or an open flame, imparting a smoky essence to the meat while preserving its juiciness. Served hot off the grill, Turkish Chicken Kebabs are often accompanied by s