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Showing posts from August, 2023

Kitchen Tricks

Find handy kitchen tricks that might make your cooking and food preparation easier: Sharp Knives:  Keep your knives sharp. A sharp knife is safer and more efficient than a dull one. Cutting Cherry Tomatoes:  Place cherry tomatoes between two plastic lids and gently run your knife through the gap to slice them all at once. Peeling Garlic:  Place a garlic bulb under the flat side of a chef's knife and give it a quick press. This will loosen the skin and make it easier to peel. Easy Peel Boiled Eggs:  Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water when boiling eggs. It can help make the shells easier to peel. Room Temperature Ingredients:  When baking, use room temperature ingredients like eggs, butter, and milk. They blend better and result in a more consistent texture. Freeze Herbs in Oil:  Chop fresh herbs, place them in an ice cube tray, cover with olive oil, and freeze. This way, you can have pre-measured herbs and oil cubes to use in cooking. Avoid Overcooking Veggies:  Blanch veget

Small Kitchen Organization Ideas

Small Kitchen Organization Ideas Making the most of a small kitchen requires clever organization and space-saving solutions. Here are some small kitchen organization ideas: Vertical Storage:  Utilize wall space by installing shelves, hooks, or magnetic knife strips to hang utensils, pots, pans, and even spices. This frees up counter and cabinet space. Under-Cabinet Hooks:  Attach hooks under your cabinets to hang mugs, cutting boards, or even small pots and pans. Drawer Dividers:  Use dividers in your drawers to keep utensils, baking tools, and kitchen gadgets organized and easily accessible. Pull-Out Shelves:  Install pull-out shelves or organizers in cabinets. This allows you to access items at the back of the cabinet without having to dig through everything in front. Stackable Containers:  Opt for stackable containers to maximize pantry space. They keep ingredients fresh and help you see what you have at a glance. Use Cabinet Doors:  Attach hooks or racks to the inside of cabinet do

Spice Organization Ideas

Spice Organization Ideas Organizing your spices efficiently can make a big difference in your kitchen's functionality. Here are some spice organization ideas to help keep your spices easily accessible and well-organized, find out more about spice organization ideas. Spice Rack: A classic option, a spice rack keeps your spices visible and within reach. Choose from countertop racks, wall-mounted racks, or even pull-out spice drawers. Drawer Inserts: Use drawer inserts specifically designed for spices. These can keep your spice jars neatly organized in a drawer while maximizing space. Magnetic Spice Jars: Attach magnetic spice jars to the side of your refrigerator or a metal backsplash. This keeps your spices visible and accessible, saving cabinet space. Lazy Susan: A Lazy Susan turntable can be placed in a cabinet or on the counter to easily access all your spices with a simple spin. Alphabetical Order: Arrange your spices alphabetically to find what you need quickly. Label the tops