Find handy kitchen tricks that might make your cooking and food preparation easier:
Sharp Knives:
Keep your knives sharp. A sharp knife is safer and more efficient than a dull one.
Cutting Cherry Tomatoes:
Place cherry tomatoes between two plastic lids and gently run your knife through the gap to slice them all at once.
Peeling Garlic:
Place a garlic bulb under the flat side of a chef's knife and give it a quick press. This will loosen the skin and make it easier to peel.
Easy Peel Boiled Eggs:
Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water when boiling eggs. It can help make the shells easier to peel.
Room Temperature Ingredients:
When baking, use room temperature ingredients like eggs, butter, and milk. They blend better and result in a more consistent texture.
Freeze Herbs in Oil:
Chop fresh herbs, place them in an ice cube tray, cover with olive oil, and freeze. This way, you can have pre-measured herbs and oil cubes to use in cooking.
Avoid Overcooking Veggies:
Blanch vegetables by boiling them briefly, then plunging them into ice water. This helps retain their color, flavor, and nutrients.
Prevent Boil-Overs:
Place a wooden spoon over a pot to prevent it from boiling over. It disrupts the bubbles and prevents a mess.
Ripen Fruits Faster:
Place unripe fruits in a paper bag. The ethylene gas they emit will speed up the ripening process.
Salt Boiling Water:
Add salt to the water when boiling pasta or vegetables. It enhances the flavor of the food.
Non-Stick Cooking Spray:
To prevent sticky ingredients like honey or syrup from sticking to measuring cups, spray the cups with non-stick cooking spray first.
Use Ice Trays Creatively:
Freeze leftover sauces, broths, or coffee in ice trays. Pop out the cubes and store them in a freezer bag for easy portioning.
Double Up Cutting Boards:
Use separate cutting boards for meats and vegetables to avoid cross-contamination.
Test Egg Freshness:
Place an egg in a bowl of water. Fresh eggs will sink, while older ones will stand upright or float.
Reheat Pizza: Reheat leftover pizza in a non-stick skillet on low heat. It keeps the crust crispy.
Juice Citrus Easily:
Roll a citrus fruit on the counter before juicing to help release more juice.
Separate Egg Yolks:
Use an empty plastic bottle to separate egg yolks from whites. Squeeze the bottle and position the opening over the yolk. Release the squeeze to suck up the yolk.
Revive Stale Bread:
Sprinkle a little water on stale bread and then heat it in the oven. It will help restore some of its freshness.
Quickly Cool Drinks:
Wrap a wet paper towel around a beverage and place it in the freezer for a few minutes to cool it rapidly.
Grate Cold Butter:
When a recipe calls for cold butter, use a cheese grater to easily incorporate it into dry ingredients.
Remember, these tricks can make your time in the kitchen more efficient and enjoyable. Feel free to adapt and experiment with them to suit your cooking style and preferences.
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